Freeze & Ship is here! Now delivering to Regional SA & Melbourne. 🚛❄️ Freeze & Ship is here! Now delivering to Regional SA & Melbourne. 🚛❄️




There’s juice and there’s Juice Institute juice. Our healthy elixirs help you get your fruits and veggies in a whole new way. But why is our juice so special? Let’s break it down.

It’s cold pressed.

We use authentic cold pressed juicing methods, like, world class Cold Pressed juicing technology right here in Adelaide. Cold pressed means using hydraulic pressure to extract the nutrients. This minimises the heat and oxidisation [that damages nutrients] that is typical of juicing in a blender. Cold pressed preserves all the nutrients, the colours are vivid and the taste is delicious!

It’s raw.

Juices that are raw mean just that – raw. And they haven’t been treated with techniques like heat or pressure. All together now: “Oh baby we like it raw…”

It’s unpasteurised.

We don’t treat or add any preservatives to our juice and nut mylk which means they’re raw and unpasteurised. When a juice or milk is pasteurised it goes through a pressure treatment, this ensures bacteria is destroyed but also kills the valuable micronutrients. Thankfully, our juicey juices doesn’t go through such a process, so the vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants are readily available for our bodies to absorb.

It’s all local produce.

Did you know with each Juice Institute juice there’s 1kg of local and fresh produce in each jar? Example - if you drink two cups of Oh My Green juice, you pretty much get the nutrition of a large broccoli, 6 large spinach leaves, 4 celery stalks, and a heap of parsley! Fact. Now pass me that fresh, flavourful and nutritious juice!

Bonus points – all that fresh AF produce? From local South Australian farmers and growers, so we #supportlocal

It’s earth friendly.

Step aside plastic. Our juice comes in earth friendly glass jars – which means they’re recyclable. Return them or find a creative way to use the jars (hint: they make cute vases, or great for storing nuts and seeds).

It’s convenient.

We deliver the juice within hours of press, making our juices super fresh and um, spesh (special).  

Juice Institute is home to cold pressed juices and cleanses. Our juice gives busy people a simple way to recharge, energise and find balance.

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