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Beginners Guide To Going Plant Based

Beginners Guide To Going Plant Based

What do Natalie Portman, Alicia Silverstone, Ariana Grande and Miley Cyrus have in common? Ok besides undeniable talent. They all eat a plant-based diet.
And if you’ve decided that 2021 is the perfect year to follow in their plant-based footsteps, read on for our guide to getting your plant-based diet on…

Don’t go cold tofurkey

When January hits, instead of diving head first into a plant based diet, start off with small changes. Cut down on animal products. Slowly incorporate more plants into your diet. Replace meats, eggs and dairy with a plant-based foods alternative. Be flexitarian for a few weeks. Whatever it takes to not go cold tofurkey.

Get researching

Making a one off meatless meal (think: veggie lasagne instead of beef) is a bit different to making months of meatless meals. Make sure you do your research on having a healthy mix of protein, fat, fibre and greens on your plate. For example, plan your proteins (think beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh), focus on healthy fats (avocado oil, nuts and seeds) and welcome whole grains (great for amino
acids, iron and zinc) in to your new found diet.

Get cookbooking

Get familiar with plant based cookbooks. Not only are they packed with plenty of delicious recipes (involving grains, legumes, vegetables, fruit, seeds and nuts) to familiarise yourself with, but investing in plant-based cookbooks can also  help you understand how to cook and what to eat to accommodate your new eating habits. 

Get ‘Gramming

Another step into the plant based world? Following vegan and plant based accounts on Instagram. Not only will you come across new plant based recipes, tips and tricks, but a lot of these accounts are gurus, schooling their followers on making sure their plate contains a healthy mix of protein, fat, fibre and greens.

Couple of our favorites ~ @earthyandy   @ohsheglows

Get planning

Fact - batching meals means it’s less likely you’ll reach for convenient or nutritionally-limited options. Plan meals for the week in advance, making sure to include a wide variety of tasty plant foods - which incorporates all the vitamins and nutrients – and buy all the ingredients upfront so there are no excuses to cook delicious and nutritious meals.

Get reading

Reading food labels is so important on your plant-based journey. Become aware of all the non-vegan ingredients like gelatine, albumen (aka egg white), lactose, whey powder and many more ingredients that can sneak into products.

Get juicy

Did you know if you guzzle two cups of Oh My Green juice, you pretty much get the nutrition of a large broccoli, 6 large spinach leaves, 4 celery stalks, and a heap of parsley? Yup, green juice is another delicious way to get those green vegetables in and all it’s powerful nutrition. For 100% raw plant goodness, try one of our Green juice boxes.

And above all?

Have some fun with it, Juice Instituters!

Juice Institute is home to cold pressed juices and cleanses.
Our juice gives busy people a simple way to recharge, energise and find balance.

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