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We all know the benefits of a juice cleanse (a stack of nutrients, immunity boost, removal of toxins just to name a few!) but there’s just one teeny tiny downside… You may be hungry in between juices!

Look we’re not going to lie. While you may not feel cravings when juice cleansing, some people are actually used to the habit/action of eating throughout the day and find it hard to manage the eating craving during a juice cleanse.

But fear not, we have some great tips to fight off those hunger cravings in between your next (delish!) bottle of Juice Institute’s cold pressed juice!

Drink your water.

The easiest thing you can do to curb your cravings is to have a large glass of water and wait a few minutes. Even if the craving is still there, the fullness of your stomach will make it less intense.


Keep busy, busy, busy.

Get up and get active! Go for a walk, read, work, clean out your closet, iron your hankies (!) - distract yourself!

Dabble in some self care.

Still craving food? Take a cold shower, run a warm bath, wash your
hair, and breath… Your next bottle of juice is almost here!

Brush your teeth.

Hands up who’s had a mint or brushed their teeth and then had orange juice? Not amazing! The mint-y toothpaste flavour left in your mouth will make it hard to eat or drink anything afterwards. So keep brushing! ;)

And in between those juice cleanse hunger pains? Remember why you're doing this! Focus on how you will feel after: empowered, rewarded, lighter, brighter and a stack of renewed energy! We’ll cleanse to that!

Juice Institute is home to cold pressed juices and cleanses. Our juice gives busy people a simple way to recharge, energise and find balance.

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