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Its no secret going on a juice cleanse is like going on a roller coaster (cravings / waves of energy / tiredness / hunger). But when the benefits (nutrients aplenty, boost the immune system, weight management) far out weigh the bad? You do it! And that’s exactly what our fabulous juice cleanser Sue Shaw, did.

Pre cleanse – how do you feel?

Bloated in the stomach and a bit sluggish.

What made you go on a juice cleanse?

To reboot and reset my body and have an internal clean out, and to release toxins from my old lifestyle, so that I'm free inside and out.

I've done the emotional and mental work and now it's time to focus on my physical body and inner health.

The other reason I went on the cleanse was because it was so easy to do - easy to find out everything online, get it delivered straight to my door, all prepared and ready to drink with no fuss. Time is of the essence to me so having it all done and ready was an added bonus. Easy, nutritious and tastes delicious!

Day 1 – the beginning.

Describe how you felt before day 1 of the cleanse.
Positively excited! It's like my body knows that it's about to get a good cleanse and feels lighter, brighter and healthier!

Describe how you felt during day 1 of the cleanse.
Really happy and lots of energy during the day, and a much clearer

Describe how you felt after day 1 of the cleanse.
Later in the evening I felt exhausted so did a meditation and then relaxed with a sea salt bath and essential oils, and an early night - my body needed it and thanked me for it.

Day 2 – the middle.

Describe how you felt before day 2 of the cleanse.
After a restful sleep, I woke feeling ready for the next day of cleansing and my body felt lighter.

Describe how you felt during day 2 of the cleanse.
Brighter and less bloated.

Describe how you felt after day 2 of the cleanse.
My eyes were brighter and clearer and my skin looked healthier. I even went to a birthday party that night and they had a barbecue and cake – and I wasn't tempted to have anything at all but water and my juice, which felt very empowering!

Day 3 – the end.

Describe how you felt before day 3 of the cleanse.
Excited that I'd committed to do this and that I hadn't deviated from having just the juices, plus water and a herbal tea or two.

Describe how you felt during day 3 of the cleanse.
Vibrant and energetic during the day, and I even had a good one-hour walk on the beach and felt fantastic. In the evening I started to feel tired but had already planned to have a trial dance class and that just reinvigorated me more. I slept
well that night!

Describe how you felt after day 3 of the cleanse.
I felt great and like I want to continue for more than 3 days! I didn't have any cravings and chose to eat raw food for the next day or two and gradually wean myself back onto solid foods, but mainly plant based and not processed foods.

Can you please give us a wrap up how you feel after completing the three day juice cleanse?
I feel younger and more relaxed and have so much clarity of thought that I've been constantly receiving creative ideas and inspiration for my business!

I will definitely be doing the juices regularly and I'm much kinder to my body now.

With the addition of daily walks, the heaviest I felt before has lifted and I feel lighter and more positive. Thank you Juice Institute! Keep up the great work.

5x positive things about doing a juice cleanse:
1. Giving my body a break from solid and processed foods
2. Feeling lighter and brighter, my eyes sparkled more
3. Greater clarity of thought
4. More energised in the morning and a positive attitude to start the day
5. Overall feeling of wellbeing, and honouring my body with pure
and healthy nutrition

5x negative things about doing a juice cleanse:
1. I got tired in the evening and needed to go to bed earlier than usual
2. Depending on what you’re used to eating and drinking, you may experience headaches
3. Couldn’t go out for dinner!
4. Not having a chai latte!
5. Not sitting down to eat a meal, as this is our family time

Sue is the owner of Shara Sanctuary & Retreat, a wellness centre in Hallett Cove where she provides a nurturing space to offer a variety of therapies including Reiki, Crystal Chakra Balancing, Hypnotherapy, Psychosomatic Therapy (Face Reading, Body-Mind Analysis, Emotional Release Trigger Point Therapy), Access Bars™, AromaTouch Therapy, and Guided Intuitive Readings. She is also the creator of South Australia's health and wellbeing events - the Enlighten Adelaide Festival, Enlighten Tribe and Riverland Wellness

Juice Institute is home to cold pressed juices and cleanses. Our juice gives busy
people a simple way to recharge, energise and find balance.

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