Handcrafted cold-pressed juice, delivered fresh for your wellness. Handcrafted cold-pressed juice, delivered fresh for your wellness.




 If magic potions existed, celery juice would be it. This wonder elixir packs an antioxidant (vitamin C, beta carotene, flavonoids and more!) punch, reduces inflammation, improves digestion and a whole lot more. Read on for alllll the specific health benefits that a celery juice cleanse can offer you, as we sell in celery, the superfood!

🥬 ANTIOXIDANTS APLENTY! Put this in your juicer and juice it - celery juice contains a whopping 12 distinct antioxidants within each stalk that’s juiced to make your glass. And you want lots of antioxidants as they protect cells, blood vessels, and organs from oxidative damage.

🥬 REDUCES INFLAMMATION Inflammation is one of the most common causes of chronic pain and discomfort. Inflamation schminflamation - celery to the rescue! Celery has celery seeds and these seeds have approximately 25 anti-inflammatory compounds that can offer protection against inflammation in the body. Amazing!

🥬 IMPROVES DIGESTION Celery juice contains high water content which means hydration which means an improved digestive process. But most notably? It contains polysaccharides, which can decrease stomach ulcers, support stomach lining health, and improve the digestive system.

🥬 PLENTY O’ VITAMINS AND MINERALS Every one of our celery juice jars is packed with a shopping list of necessary vitamins and minerals, including Vitamins K, C, and A, folate, and potassium.

🥬 CLEARER SKIN! Again, celery juice’s high-water content helps keep skin hydrated, which equals good skin texture including getting rid of blemishes and even reducing the appearance of acne scars.

🥬 PUTS YOU IN A GOOD MOOD Sometimes, mental health can be intensified by a lack of nutrition or inflammation within the body. However, the neutralising effect of celery juice can help keep the body nourished and mood stabilised. We could bang on about the benefits of celery juice allll day but just know celery juice is one helluva alkalising, enzyme-rich, electrolyte-enhancing, liver-repairing, blood-sugar-balancing, antiseptic (and more!) drink! celery juice 

Looking to learn more about 100% pure celery juice and the medicinal benfits this wonder juice has? We recommend reading Medical Medium Celery Juice book. 

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